If the enemy has not yet managed to make a capture, but is already approaching, you can choose the following female self-defense techniques:
Clutch the enemy in the eye. The shape of the palm should resemble the paw of a cat preparing for an attack. You can also press hard on the eyeballs.
Punch in the nose, but only if you have confidence in your abilities. A hit that is not strong enough can only anger the attacker.
Hit the Adam's apple. Reception is quite dangerous, since it causes not only severe pain. The attacker can cough, faint, or even die. Can be hit with the edge of the palm and fist.
You can also hit the jaw from the bottom up, kick in the groin, knee. A man has much more strength, so a woman should take it as a rule – to defend herself unexpectedly. The blow should be strong and sharp. You don’t need to aim for a long time, otherwise the attacker will understand the girl’s intentions. Boxing for girls will perfectly develop your reaction and strength.
What not to do
Panic and emotions in this case can be harmful. You should try to keep a cold mind and calmness, this will help you quickly make the right decision as to which techniques of female self-defense are appropriate in this case. But to refuse such an effective technique as a piercing cry is not worth it. It scares off an intruder because it attracts attention.
General recommendations
To prevent a situation when you already need to defend yourself, it is recommended to pay attention to a few practical tips. Unpopulated places with poor lighting should be avoided whenever possible. It is better to spend more time on the road, but walk along the busy streets, where the girl can at least call for help.
For additional self-defense, you should purchase a pepper spray and, if it seems that someone is stalking, keep it ready (it is recommended to carry it in your pocket). You should keep yourself in good physical shape, this is not only useful for self-defense, but also helps to keep yourself in good shape.
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