What to do if attacked

Confusion is what the striker hopes for. Therefore, if you are attacked, in no case should you give up and surrender. You should think about what sharp objects are with you. Perhaps these are keys, a metal file in the back pocket of the bag, even high hairpins will do. The main thing is that this item can be quickly obtained.

If there is one, then it must be thrust with all its might into any of the following places:

the front of the leg is below the thighbone;

However, you need to understand that such techniques of female self-defense can be fatal for the enemy, so you need to beat there when danger threatens your life. If there is no such item, then you need to rely on your own strength. If, while trying to escape, the enemy grabbed the arm, you need to hang sharply on it, transfer the weight of the whole body to this arm and kick it in the groin.

If the attacker grabbed him so that it is impossible to move his hands, then the best way out would be to hit his head, but this is only if both have approximately the same height. If the girl is shorter, then a bite with her teeth may be a good solution. When strangling, you need to sharply wring the little fingers of the attacker to the side and try to break them.

If the girl is on her back, then you need to try to hit the crotch, lower leg, knees at the moment when the attacker approaches. If he sat on his back or stomach, you need to roll, protect vulnerable spots, group up, try to knock him down. The main thing is to save your head, you must not allow loss of consciousness.